
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a visa to go to Switzerland?

No. Fiji nationals do not need a visa. Citizens from other countries may require a visa (click here to download the visa form, then submit it to the Swiss Embassy in Wellington, New Zealand). In addition, there is a leaflet available with valuable information (click here to download).

The following information is from the website www.auslaender.ch:

Regulations for foreign nationals not requiring a visa to enter Switzerland (e.g. nationals of New Zealand, Fiji, etc.)

I. Tourism / Business / Family visits

Foreign nationals who do not wish to engage in gainful activity in Switzerland do not need a visa if they are staying for less than three months. Please note that Switzerland does not permit "working holidays". If you plan to work in Switzerland, please refer to point II.

II. Taking up employment in Switzerland

In view of the high proportion of foreigners in Switzerland, new applications for residence permits and/or work permits are subject to very stringent regulations. The number of jobs available to foreigners is therefore restricted and your future employer must support your application.

An application for authorisation to enter Switzerland has to be submitted to the Embassy at the earliest possible opportunity. The following documents are required:
* application form duly completed in triplicate
* 3 recent passport photos
* 3 copies of your employment contract with your prospective employer in Switzerland
* 3 xerox-copies of your passport (please do not send original passport)
* NZ$ 5.00 as a non-refundable fee covering the costs for transmission of the forms to Switzerland
Your application will be sent to Switzerland and there, your future employer should take up the matter with the foreign police of the relevant canton.
The appropriate Swiss authority will then, if your application is approved, issue an entry permit entitled "Zusicherung der Aufenthaltsbewilligung"( in French "Assurance d'autorisation de séjour" and in English "Assurance of authorisation to reside in Switzerland"). This document will be sent directly to your address or to this Embassy.
Please note that this process may take up to 2 or 3 months.

III. Education in Private Schools, Universities or Postgraduate Courses

1. You should make contact directly with the school or university where you wish to study, and receive confirmation of enrolment.
2. Apply at this Embassy for an authorisation to enter Switzerland (as explained under II./1)
In addition to the enclosures mentioned under II./1, please attach:
* your confirmation of enrolment
* proof of sufficient financial means (accomodation, school, letter from parents, etc.)
3. If approved, an entry authorisation will be issued to you (as explained under II./3)

Please note that this process may take up to 2 or 3 months.

It is understood that students will not take up employment while in Switzerland


About public tenders

The Swiss-Fiji Business Association will bring on this page publiccly advertised tenders which might be of interest to Swiss companies.

We might assist you by getting the relevant tender documents. Contact us if you want to use this service.

We get the information about tenders from the local media and have no responsibility about content or typing errors.