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Ni Sa Bula, Welcome, Grüezi

The Swiss-Fiji Business Association (SFBA) is trying to promote and foster bilateral trade, services and investment between Switzerland and the Fiji Islands. 

If you are a Swiss company wanting to do business with Fiji or a Fiji company wanting to export to or import from Switzerland, you should join us.

Die Swiss-Fiji Business Association (SFBA) versucht den bilateralen Handel, Dienstleistungen und Investitionen zwischen der Schweiz und den Fidschi-Inseln zu fördern.

Falls Sie eine Schweizer Firma sind, welche bereits Handelsbeziehungen mit unterhält oder mit Geschäftshäusern und Organisationen in Fidschi in Kontakt treten möchten, laden wir Sie herzlich ein, unserer Vereinigung als Mitglied beizutreten.

21 July 2004 An invitation has been sent to all members and Swiss living in Fiji for a get-together to celebrate the upcoming Swiss National Day. If you are interested, click here to download the invitation.
June 2004 Some local cultural organisations have approached us for funding their trips for shows, concerts and exhibitions in Switzerland. If you are one of them, checkout out www.kulturforderung.ch (also in English) for interesting links.
May 2004 We have now received the "Certificate of Registration of an Industrial Association" by the Registrar of Industrial Associations. Vinaka Shalini Chand and Brian Singh!
18/4/2004 Fiji's first former prime minister and later president, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, passes away peacefully at the age of 84. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends.
28/2/2004 We are still waiting for the official registration as trade organisation which is issued by the Ministry for Labour & Industrial Relations. Until we have such paper, we have "to lay low". Bear with us.
14/1/2004 We just found out that the magazine "Swiss Review" for Swiss living abroad is now available online. Good news for us in Fiji since the delay using the mail was sometimes horrific - if we received it at all.
22/12/2003 www.swissworld.org is the new Internet portal of Presence Switzerland.
19/11/2003 Swiss Music Radio is now available throughout Europe from satellite. It airs 100% Swiss rock and pop music. Maybe we can expect it once in the Pacific region?
3/11/2003 The official press release from our 2003 AGM. Click here to open it (60KB).
20/10/2003 The "Constitution of Industrial Association" has been drafted as version 1.0.
18/10/2003 The first General Annual Meeting was held on 18 October 2003 in Suva. Elected were:
President: James Rafoi
Vice-President: Gerhard Stemmler
General Secretary: Daniel Zender
Treasurer: Melissa Vatabua
Ordinary Member: Thomasina Ah Ben
1/8/2003 An ad commemorating today's Swiss National Day has been placed in the newspaper. Unfortunately it is not placed under 'public notices' but under 'entertainment'. We apologise for the error.
29/7/2003 We have now four registered members. A few more are expected prior to our first annual meeting which will take place in late August or early September
8/7/2003 New page inserted called "Other useful links". We acknowledge again the help of Sippo who provided us with the raw data.
2/7/2003 The SFBA launch is made public to Swiss companies through Osec's newsletter. Download No. 62 of 2 July here (287KB).
30/6/2003 Fiji companies interested in exporting to Switzerland or the European Union can now download a questionnaire and fill their company information. It will then be included in Sippo's Exporters List which contains currently more than 2000 foreign companies. Click here for details.
18/6/2003 The Swiss Ambassador to Fiji, H.E. Mrs. Sylvie Matteucci has launched our association! Guest speaker was the Chief Executive of the Fiji Islands Trade & Investment Bureau, Mr. Jesoni Vitusagavulu. We also would like to thank Nestlé Fiji for their presentation and the product display. Click here for further details about this event.
11/6/2003 A last-minute change occurs: the inaugural meeting/launch will now take place on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 at 6.30pm. New venue is the Holiday Inn.
31/5/2003 Our second advertisement for interest registration appears in the "Fiji Times". Next to it: a trademark registration from Knorr (Thayingen, Switzerland). Coincidence? Check it out here.
24/5/2003 SPG2003 logo taken off this page. However, we still invite anyone from overseas to attend the South Pacific Games in Suva, starting on 28 June.
22/5/2003 The Swiss Embassy in New Zealand has confirmed the new launch date: Wednesday, 18 June 2003. Time and venue to decided later. 
28/4/2003 Received promotional material from OSEC (Business Network Switzerland), including DVD presentation. Thank you, Ms. Därendinger.
17/4/2003 New launch date has been set for either 18 or 19 June 2003. We hope that both the Swiss Ambassador and the Chief Executive of the Fiji Islands Trade & Investment Bureau can attend.
16/4/2003 Our website is now listed with www.swissinfo.org in their links page (Chambers of Commerce - International).
11/4/2003 Somehow the CSS file and the web theme got corrupted. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
8/4/2003 Fiji companies currently listed with links in our site have been officially asked for permission to use their logos.
3/4/2003 Swiss companies currently listed with links in our site have been officially asked for permission to use their logos.
26/3/2003 Received valuable documents from SIPPO (Swiss Import Promotion Programme). Special thanks to Mario A. Braescu.
20/3/2003 E-mail that H.E. Ambassador Matteucci of the Swiss Embassy in New Zealand may be attend the SFBA launch during her visit to Fiji in mid-May.
11/3/2003 Negative reply to our first sponsorship request (i.e. advertisement cost for SFBA launch). Hopefully better luck next time
6/3/2003 Received donation for hosting of website until October 2003
5/3/2003 E-mail from Mr. Jesoni Vitusagavulu, Chief Executive, Fiji Islands Trade & Investment Bureau, offering support: "...I suppose it is worth a try."
21/2/2003 Second shipment of Swiss documents arrives courtesy of the "Bundesamt für Bauten und Logistik BBL". Special thanks to Nicole Andres.
19/2/2003 Received donation for hosting of website until May 2003. Beta website published to SFBA's domain name.
9/1/2003 First donation enables us to register www.swissfiji.org as our domain name.
24/11/2002 Start with beta version of the SFBA website
19/10/2002 SFBA logo created
14/8/2002 Two Swiss people discuss the idea of forming a Swiss-Fiji business and/or social club
14/11/2001 The new Swiss Ambassador in New Zealand, Hon. Sylvie Matteucci, invites Swiss living in Suva for a social event
17/5/1994 Verbal support for proposal from the Swiss Ambassador in New Zealand, Hon. Ernst Thurnherr
8/4/1994 A proposal for an image and promotion campaign of Fiji's products and services in Switzerland is submitted to the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Board
Image and promotion campaign proposal

Last modified: 07 Januar 2005

The very latest

Pictures from the party on 1 August 2004


The first General Annual Meeting was held on 18 October 2003. Elected were:
President: James Rafoi
Vice-President: Gerhard Stemmler
General Secretary: Daniel Zender
Treasurer: Melissa Vatabua
Ordinary Member: Thomasina Ah Ben.

Click here to download the minutes 43KB. The press release is here 60KB.


The Swiss Ambassador to Fiji, H.E. Mrs. Sylvie Matteucci, has officially launched our association on Wednesday, 18 July 2003 at the Holiday Inn in Suva. Click here to read all about this memorable event.
Fiji Times article about the Swiss Ambassador and the SFBA launch
Click on the picture to enlarge it. Or download the "Fiji Times" article 196KB.

Here you can download the Swiss Ambassador's speech "Enterprising Swiss - Enterprising Fijians" (Word document).