Export to Switzerland?

How to export to Switzerland

Here, we will provide useful information for Fiji companies or individuals living in Fiji about import procedure, restrictions and other information for those wanting to export Fijian products or services to Switzerland.

In the meantime, we can offer members access to our extensive library. Specially the following two books may be of interest

Exporting to Switzerland and the European Union (104 pages)
From contacts to contracts (127 pages)

Focus On

This space is reserved for companies and organisations from both Fiji and Switzerland who would like to present themselves, their products or services.

Although sponsoring contributions would be welcome, this service is free.

Interested entities can submit their own text (max. 150 words). A photo, logo or animated GIF may be included (max. 140 pixel width).

To allow for rotation the publication will remain until end of July 2003.

This service is on a first-come, first-served basis.

SFBA reserves the ultimate placement  right.

For further information, please contact focuson@swissfiji.org.