Swiss General Links

Links to Swiss organisations

Note: The Swiss-Fiji Business Association is keen to put general links to Swiss authorities, organisations or trade associations here. Please provide your logo and send your link to our webmaster

Hint: some Swiss sites start with a web page in German. However, you should always get an English version. Check for the word "English", the letter "E" or for an English flag logo.

Schweizer Wappen / Armoiries de la Suisse / Stemma della Svizzera / vopna svizra / Swiss coat of arms
The Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation
Entry portal to the Swiss authorities
Presence Switzerland Organization sponsored by the Swiss government to promote Switzerland abroad.
Your direct link to Swiss Industries
sippo_logo.gif (2226 bytes) A useful link for exporters to Switzerland
osec_logo.gif (1258 bytes) Your access to business network Switzerland
logo_seco.gif (2460 bytes) Everything you need to know about Swiss foreign trade relations Swiss Organisation for Facilitating Investments
Swiss Chamber of Commerce The association of Swiss foreign trade chambers
Location Switzerland Informative site about Swiss economics
My Switzerland Swiss tourism portal
  Swiss Information and Communication Platform
Interportal CH A co-operation site of leading Swiss development and aid agencies (NGOs)
Organiation of the Swiss Abroad
soliswiss Soliswiss provides its members with various types of insurance and other services.
Interactive Schweizer Revue The quarterly news magazine now online. You will need Acrobat Reader to view it (download it here)
The Swiss Guide Provides communal links


Focus On

This space is reserved for companies and organisations from both Fiji and Switzerland who would like to present themselves, their products or services.

Although sponsoring contributions would be welcome, this service is free.

Interested entities can submit their own text (max. 150 words). A photo, logo or animated GIF may be included (max. 140 pixel width).

To allow for rotation the publication will remain until end of July 2003.

This service is on a first-come, first-served basis.

SFBA reserves the ultimate placement  right.

For further information, please contact