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Swiss Business Links - Associations & Groups

Note: The Swiss-Fiji Business Association is keen to put general links to Swiss authorities, organisations or trade associations here. Please provide your logo and send your link to our webmaster


Verbä Adressliste von Verbänden und Organisationen (de)

Agence des énergies renouvelables et de l'efficacite energetique (AEE)  (fr)

Association Suisse - Invention ROmande (ASIRO)  (fr)

Association Suisse de Normalisation (SNV)  (fr)

Association d'intérêts de l'industrie suisse du polyéthylène (AIPE)  (fr)

Basler Volkswirtschaftsbund (Nordwestschweiz)  (de)

Centre Patronal Le secrétariat de la Fédération patronale vaudoise (fr)

Chocosuisse Union des fabricants suisses de chocolat (fr)

Commission Suisse pour la Loyauté  (fr)

EAN Switzerland Its aim is to establish in Switzerland the goals and objectives pursued by Ean International (en)

Energie-Agentur der Wirtschaft (EnAW)  (de)

Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS)  (en)

Femmes PME Suisse  (fr)

IFIPI Schweiz Schweizer Landesgruppe der International Federation Of Producers Of Phonograms And Videograms (de)

International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)  (en)

SWICO Schweizerischer Wirtschaftsverband der Informations-, Kommunikations- und Organisationstechnik (SWICO) (de)

Santésuisse Association faîtière de la branche de l'assurance-maladie sociale (fr)

Schweizer Werbung SW  (de)

Schweizerischer Verband für Wohnbau- und Eigentumsförderung (SWE)  (de)

Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)  (en)

Swiss Federation of Notaries (FSN)  (en)

Swiss Health Switzerland's contribution in the health care sector (en)

Swiss Label Le signe de l'Arbalète (fr)

Swissperform Société suisse qui gère les droits voisins (fr)

Swisstrade Direct access to Swiss industry (en)

Verband Inside Telecom (VIT)  (de)

Verband Wirtschaftsfrauen Schweiz  (de)

World Economic Forum (WEF)  (en)

Worlddidac International Trade Association in Education (en)


Focus On

This space is reserved for companies and organisations from both Fiji and Switzerland who would like to present themselves, their products or services.

Although sponsoring contributions would be welcome, this service is free.

Interested entities can submit their own text (max. 150 words). A photo, logo or animated GIF may be included (max. 140 pixel width).

To allow for rotation the publication will remain until end of July 2003.

This service is on a first-come, first-served basis.

SFBA reserves the ultimate placement  right.

For further information, please contact