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Umbrella Organisations

Swiss Business Links - Umbrella Organisations

Note: The Swiss-Fiji Business Association is keen to put general links to Swiss authorities, organisations or trade associations here. Please provide your logo and send your link to our webmaster


Economiesuisse Fédération des entreprises suisses. L'association se propose de défendre et de promouvoir avec cohérence les intérêts de l'économie suisse. Représente ses membres sur le plan national et international (fr)

Verbä Adressliste von Verbänden und Organisationen (de)

European Free Trade Association (EFTA) EFTA is an international organisation comprising four states: The Republic of Iceland, The Principality of Liechtenstein, The Kingdom of Norway and The Swiss Confederation. EFTA has headquarters in Geneva and offices in Brussels and Luxembourg. (en)

Federal Department of Economic Affairs  (en)

Fédération romande des syndicats patronaux (FSP)  (fr)

International Organisation of Employers (IOE)  (en) Economy & Industry in Liechtenstein (en)

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco)  (en)

Swisstrade Direct access to Swiss industry (en)

Union patronale suisse Une association faîtière regroupant 60 organisations d’employeurs au niveau des branches et au niveau régionales (fr)

Union suisse des arts et métiers (USAM) Unions cantonales des arts et métiers (fr)

Union suisse des arts et métiers (USAM)  (fr)

Vereinigung des Schweizerischen Import und Grosshandels (VSIG) Federation of Swiss Importers and Wholesale Traders (en)



Focus On

This space is reserved for companies and organisations from both Fiji and Switzerland who would like to present themselves, their products or services.

Although sponsoring contributions would be welcome, this service is free.

Interested entities can submit their own text (max. 150 words). A photo, logo or animated GIF may be included (max. 140 pixel width).

To allow for rotation the publication will remain until end of July 2003.

This service is on a first-come, first-served basis.

SFBA reserves the ultimate placement  right.

For further information, please contact