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Swiss Business Links - Finance

Note: The Swiss-Fiji Business Association is keen to put general links to Swiss authorities, organisations or trade associations here. Please provide your logo and send your link to our webmaster Site des affaires et de la finance (fr)

Arbeitskreis Kapital und Wirtschaft (akw) Vertritt Publikums- und Familienaktiengesellschaften der Schweiz und Liechtensteins (de)

Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland  (en)

Association suisse de conseils en matière successorale  (fr)

Association suisse des comptables contrôleurs de gestion diplômés (SWISCO)  (fr) Finanzportal der Baloise-Gruppe (de)

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)  (en)

Banques Cantonales Suisses  (fr)

Bluewin - Finance News und Börsendaten (de)  (en)

Boersenfreunde Schweizer Börsenforum (de)

Borsalino Börsenlinie für Private Anleger (de)

Der Börsenkurier  (de)

Federal Department of Finance (FDF)  (en)

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) The Swiss financial centre (en)

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Banking secrecy (en)

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Links to other economic and financial aspects (en)

Finance Forum Forum für die Finanzbranche (de)

Finance Point Portail financier (fr)

Finance Financial Information (en)

Financial Glossary With terms in English, German, French and Italian (en) Informationen zu Finanz und Wirtschaft in der Schweiz (de) Performance von Schweizer Aktien und Fonds (de)

Forum des investisseurs privés  (fr)

Geneva Financial Center  (en)

Hugin Medieninformationen, Berichte, Finanzkalender und Unternehmensporträts (de)

International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies (ICMB)  (en)

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements. Switzerland is a member. (en) Börseninformationen (de)

L'Hebdo - Dossiers L'euro: c'est parti! (fr)

Moneycab Finanzinformations-Portal (de)

NZZ Online - Dossiers Der Euro ist da - Währungsumstellung mit Folgen (de)

NZZ Online - Dossiers Verhandlungspoker um das Bankgeheimnis (de)

NZZ Online Personal Finance by NZZ - Finfox (de)

NZZ: Aktienindizes  (de) More information, up-to-date news, useful services from Swiss Post (en) Official documents on financial regulation and risk management (en)

SW Consulting AG Directory of Swiss Banks (en)

Scienceinvest Profitable Investing Using the Internet (en)

Stocks Schweizer Anleger-Magazin (de)

Swiss Banking Ombudsman  (en)

Swiss Exchange SWX  (en)

Swiss Federal Banking Commission (SFBC)  (en)

Swiss National Bank (SNB)  (en)

Swiss Private Bankers Association (SPBA)  (en)

Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association (SECA)  (en)

Swiss TXT Finance (fr)

SwissBanking Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) (en)

Swissca Financial and consulting services from the cantonal banks of Switzerland (en)

Swissquote Financial portal (en)

Treuhand-Kammer  (de)

Union Suisse des Fiduciaires (USF)  (fr)

University of Lausanne Institute of Applied Macroeconomics (Créa) (en)

Virt-x The European blue chip platform (en) Financial portal specialized on warrants and certificates (en)

Worldbox Business Intelligence Swiss Company Information, Business Reports, Company Financial Statements and Profiles (en)




Focus On

This space is reserved for companies and organisations from both Fiji and Switzerland who would like to present themselves, their products or services.

Although sponsoring contributions would be welcome, this service is free.

Interested entities can submit their own text (max. 150 words). A photo, logo or animated GIF may be included (max. 140 pixel width).

To allow for rotation the publication will remain until end of July 2003.

This service is on a first-come, first-served basis.

SFBA reserves the ultimate placement  right.

For further information, please contact