We hope that this website
will turn into a small portal for improving
the trade between the two countries (for some
trade statistics click
Visitor's to Fiji's shores
are sometimes surprised to see how many Swiss
products and services are installed, for sale
or otherwise available here:
watches, chocolates, electricity reading meters,
sewing automation machines, pharmaceutics,
banking, food, knives - and not forgetting the
turbines at the Monasavu hydro-plant.
What we would like to see
are more Fiji products and services to be made
available in
We think the words of a Fiji
chief executive summons our intentions up
"...Part of the
explanation for the low export is the very
real challenge of long distance and the
associated high cost of freight. I'm not
sure whether this problem can be solved by
promotional activity that the SFBA will
undertake. However you've identified some
niche & high value products that may be
successfully promoted in Switzerland. So I
suppose it's worth the try."