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Join our association!

You - be it a company or an individual - should become a member of our association if you are

importing goods or services from either Fiji or Switzerland
exporting goods or services to either Fiji or Switzerland

The annual membership is F$100 for Ordinary Corporate Members, F$50 for Ordinary Individual Members and $100 for Associate Members. A joining fee of F$25 applies.

Ready to join? 

1. Download our association rules
2. Download the membership application form
3. Fill out the form and select your desired membership category
4. Submit the form together with your payment

We hope that this website will turn into a small portal for improving the trade between the two countries (for some trade statistics click here).

Visitor's to Fiji's shores are sometimes surprised to see how many Swiss products and services are installed, for sale or otherwise available here: watches, chocolates, electricity reading meters, sewing automation machines, pharmaceutics, banking, food, knives - and not forgetting the turbines at the Monasavu hydro-plant. 

What we would like to see are more Fiji products and services to be made available in Switzerland.

We think the words of a Fiji chief executive summons our intentions up nicely:

"...Part of the explanation for the low export is the very real challenge of long distance and the associated high cost of freight. I'm not sure whether this problem can be solved by promotional activity that the SFBA will undertake. However you've identified some niche & high value products that may be successfully promoted in Switzerland. So I suppose it's worth the try."


Download the association rules and membership application form

Click on the desired format.

SFBA rules (64KB)
SFBA rules (407KB)

Application for Membership (21KB)
Application for Membership (44KB)

For PDF files, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer. To download it, click here.