Downloads (Switzerland)

Downloads (Swiss documents)

Latest downloads

SIPPO questionnaire for Fiji companies wanting to export to Switzerland or EU
SIPPO questionnaire for Fiji companies wanting to export to Switzerland or EU

Budgeting tools

Ancillary labour costs
Downsizing cost comparison
Foundation cost for a limited liability company
Lease prices for office - interregional comparison


Planning for setting up a company
Schedule of activities for setting up a company
Export planning
We were refused to place CBI's export planner on this website. You may download it from 
Finance and banking
Banking and finance in Switzerland (1680KB)
Fact sheet SWX Swiss Exchange 
Mergers & acquisitions: Swiss companies - their motivations and activities
Promotion of venture capital
Importing organic products into Switzerland (1198KB)
Market surveys
We were re refused to place CBI's market surveys
. Fisheries products 2001
. Bodywear 2002
. Timber & timber products
on this website. You may download it from 
The outerwear market in Switzerland (320KB)
Addresses of outerwear importers in the EU and Switzerland (171KB)
Swiss Constitution 1999 (156KB)
Facts concerning Switzerland for entrepreneurs, advisers and decision-makers (3902KB)
Handbook concerning Switzerland for entrepreneurs, advisers and decision-makers (1747KB)
Information and communication technologies in Switzerland (617KB)
Microtechnology and Nanotechnology in Switzerland (547KB)
Networking excellence in Swiss life science education and research (369KB)
We were refused to place CBI's"Opportunities of exporters of outerwear in the EU" on this website. You may download it from 
Switzerland - a leading European business location (581 KB)
Switzerland - a prime biotechnlogy and business location (624KB)
Switzerland - a prime financial centre (340KB)
Switzerland - your shared services centre in Europe (397KB)
The Swiss biotech industry: Growth, diversification and a sense of identity (303KB)
The Swiss watch industry in 2001 (212KB)
Setting up a business in Switzerland?
Info Sheet: Doing business in Switzerland? 
Comparison of the stock corporation (AG) with the limited liability company (GmbH)
Work permits in Switzerland - a practical guide
Legal form of companies - corporate overview
Statistical information
Balance of payments
Cantonal taxation index
Comparison of office space availability in European cities
Development of energy prices for consumers
Direct investment in % of GDP comparison
Economical importance of tourism
Economic freedom comparison
Employment in % of total population comparison 2000
Energy balance
Euro/CHF interest rates (3 months) in % comparison
Exports and imports by economic area and selected countries
Exports in 2000 by type of product
Fiscal burden comparison
Foreigners by residence permit
Foreigners by nationalities
Formal education level of Swiss population in 2000
Imports in 2000 by type of product
Import & Exports
Important economical per-head indicators
Income statement of all banks and financial institutions
Industry labour costs by international comparison
Industry labour productivity comparison 2000
Interest & net yields
Interest differential and exchange rates Switzerland - EU
Interest rates
Office costs by international comparison
Per-capita GDP comparison
Portfolio of direct investment as of 2000
Price indices
Production and productivity in key sectors
Public debt in % of GDP comparison 1999
Relationship capital costs/economic development
Trade according to classes of goods
Trade according to regions
Unit labour costs comparison
Work productivity comparison
International tax comparison (inc. Fiji & Switzerland) - corporate tax rate survey 2002
International tax burden comparison for physical persons
Tax burden in Switzerland: corporations
Taxes and statutory social insurance contributions in % of GDP - comparison 
Taxes in % of net operating income - comparison
The advantages of the Swiss tax system (1113KB)



Download & other information

Please note that later the download section will only be available to members of our association.

Downloads are in these formats:
Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here to download Acrobat Reader)
Microsoft Word 
Microsoft Excel 

If the the file is larger than 150 kilobytes, the actual size is listed.

Exchange rate per 5 September 2003: 1 FJD sells for 0.7197 CHF - or use 


Although we have tried hard to provide accurate translation of the German text into English, it must be noted that some terminology has been wrongfully translated, specially as far as economic terms are concerned (e.g. "Bruttoinlandproduct", "Volkseinkommen", "Ertragsbilanz" etc.).

If you want to help us, send us your proper corrections.